Articles and Knowledge

The trilogy about "the undercarriage"

"The undercarriage" is a metaphor that we in Scandinavian Information Audit use to describe the things that need to be in order to ensure that information resources such as records, documents, archive material and data can be valuable assets.

In the three articles below, different aspects related to "the undercarriage" are described in relation to records management and archives.

Part 1: The significance of "the undercarriage" for effective records management

The first article in the trilogy of "the undercarriage" is written by Tine Weirsøe (January 2022) from Scandinavian Information Audit, and concerns the importance of a solid "undercarriage" to ensure effective records management.

Part 2: The difficult implementation of records management

In the second article in the trilogy about "the undercarriage", Tine Weirsøe (May 2022) from Scandinavian Information Audit, describes the often difficult process of implementing records managament.

Part 3: Overviews – a shortcut to the archive’s collection

The third and final part in the trilogy of "the undercarriage", Henrik Rønnow (May 2022) from Scandinavian Information Audit, writes about how overviews can be used to structure and disseminate information resources from "the undercarriage".

Coronakrisen og Danske Bank-sagen viser vigtigheden af Records Management

Article by Anette Lerche in Perspektiv (november, 2020) containing an interview with Tine Weirsøe from Scandinavian Information Audit. In Danish only.

BF’s Records Manager uddannelse åbner nye døre

Tema om records management i BF's fagmagasin Perspektiv (april, 2018).

Records management - En karrierevej for informationsspecialister

Whitepaper by BF (april, 2016) that introduces records management as a job field. In Danish only.

Hvad vil der være tilbage til fremtiden? – virksomhedsarkiver i en digital tidsalder

Article written by Jacob Halvas Bjerre, Henrik Knudsen og Tine Weirsøe til Erhvervshistorisk Årbog (2014, 2), which examines digital preservation in Danish companies. In Danish only.